Clinic: (740) 355-7102
Pharmacy: (740) 351-1500
Call us after hours at the clinic phone number if you have an emergency and need to speak to your provider.
Compass Community Health
Compass Blogs
In the Compass blogs, you can learn more about our services. Additionally, read lifestyle and health articles to improve your overall well-being.
How To Navigate Open Enrollment
5 Mindfulness Techniques to Elevate Your Daily Wellness
4 Tips for Proper Storage and Handling of Medication
5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Women's Health
Choosing the Right Fit: How to Select a Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)
5 Lifestyle Tips To Improve Your Health
How To Recognize Symptoms of Common Mental Health Disorders
How Occupational Therapy Utilizes Play for Growth
4 Preventative Measures for Breast Cancer
How To Choose The Right Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
Hepatitis Can't Wait, Learn How Compass Can Help
5 Conditions Treated with Pediatric Speech Therapy
The Power of Prevention: How Primary Care Keeps You Healthy
4 Tips For Mental Health In The Workplace
Understanding 5 Common Mental Health Disorders
4 Common Conditions Treated with Pediatric Occupational Therapy
3 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Seeking Help for Your Mental Health
What Are The 4 Cs of Good Primary Care?
What is Patient-Centered Care?
A Brief Interview with Compass Speech Therapist JoEllen Schaefer